September 16, 2023

From Concept to Creation: Our Process for Developing Successful Campaigns


Here at 96 Studios, we’ve been building successful campaigns for eCommerce businesses since 2010. Our process for developing a campaign is thorough and data-driven, but it’s also flexible enough that it can be tailored to each individual client. We focus on three key steps: gathering information about your brand, deciding on a goal for the campaign, and creating a strategy based on that goal.

Gathering Information

The next step is to gather information. This can be done in a variety of ways, but the most effective method is to listen.

Listen to your client: If your client has a specific goal in mind for the product or campaign you're developing, ask them about it! What are their hopes for the project and how will it help them achieve their goals? Does this align with what you know about their business and industry? Are there any opportunities for improvement based on what we've learned so far?

Listen to your audience: Your audience is key when developing any campaign or product because they'll be the ones deciding whether or not it's successful. To start thinking about who your audience might be, ask yourself questions like: Who do I want this product/campaign to reach? How would they respond if they saw this message on social media (or anywhere else)? What do they like/dislike in other products/campaigns they've seen? These questions will give you insight into some general characteristics of people who might choose your campaign over another one—and that's just where we need to start.

Listen to competition: Competing brands influence how companies market themselves as well as which companies people buy from most often—so understanding what marketing tactics competitors may use against us is vital if we want our campaigns' messaging strategies not only effective but also unique enough so that potential customers don't feel like our competitors are trying desperately hard not just sell something but also gain customers' trustworthiness by using similar tactics."

Deciding on a Goal

Before you begin to plan a campaign, it’s important to decide on your goals. There are many types of goals to choose from, and each one is suited for different types of project teams. For example:

  • A team may want to raise awareness about an issue in order to build momentum towards action on that issue.
  • A team may want to encourage people who are already doing good work (volunteers or board members) but who aren’t getting recognition for their efforts.
  • In the case of disaster relief campaigns, it might be more appropriate for the goal simply be raising money so those affected can rebuild their lives after a natural disaster strikes and all their belongings have been destroyed.

Creating a Strategy Based on that Goal

Once you've determined what type of campaign you want to create, we will work with you to determine the best strategy for achieving your goals. We'll present a range of options and let you choose which one works best for your needs.

Presenting the Strategy to You

When we present our strategy to you, it’s a conversation. We want to understand your business, your goals and what stands in the way of achieving them. When you ask questions about how we plan to achieve those goals—and make sure that everyone is on board with the plan—we know that you’re excited about what we have presented.

After all of this discussion, there are likely a few things left unanswered or unresolved. That’s okay! It happens every time. Your team just needs some time to go over everything they learned during our presentation together and come up with their own questions or concerns before moving forward with us as partners in this project.

The good news is that once they do have all their questions answered (or at least satisfied), then comes the fun part: execution!

Execution and Measurement

Execution and measurement

This is where you define your goals, target audience and media. You’ll also create the message, frequency of communication, channel to communicate through and campaign budget. The length of the campaign is determined by how quickly your business wants results. If you want to generate sales immediately, then a short campaign will work best for you; if it’s more important that customers become familiar with your product or service over time before making a purchase decision then a longer campaign is appropriate. A shorter duration can also be beneficial if there are other marketing efforts underway at the same time as yours — in this case it helps keep things simple!

This is how we approach each campaign we do.

The first thing to know is that we approach each campaign with a different goal in mind. We want to make sure that you get the end result you need, and we want to ensure that our own time and money are not wasted. We believe this is possible by establishing clear expectations from the beginning of any project together.

We care about your success, so let's talk about how we can make it happen together!


We hope that our process has given you some insights into how we work, and how we can help your brand reach its goals. If you’re ready to get started on your campaign, reach out today! We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have about how best to approach your business or what type of strategy might work best for your needs.